Board of Directors
Rebekah Robbins - Vice Chair
Gillian Andrews - Treasurer
Rob Nolan - Secretary
Tom Cooper
Roxana Fazli
Mahmud Hasan
Kris Mulcahy
Judy Tobin – City of St. John’s
Julia Mullaley – NL Housing
Doug Pawson - End Homelessness St. John’s
Community Advisory Board
Vicki Francis, Co-Chair | First Light
Mohamed Abdallah | Connections for Seniors
David Banfield | Choices for Youth
Nicole Dawe | Community Foundation of NL
Joby Fleming | Empower
Kim Grant | The Gathering Place
Daniel Kudla | Memorial University
Cindy Murphy | John Howard Society of NL
Kevin O’Shea | Public Legal Association of NL
Carolyn Reid | Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda
Sean Reany | Thrive
Susan Smith | Lived Experience Council
Gail Thornhill | Stella’s Circle
Tanya Borden | Housing, Infrastructure & Communities Canada
Erin Ballah | NL Health Services
Phillip Barrington | Department of Children, Seniors & Social Development
Mark Finch | City of St. John’s
Melanie Thomas | NL Housing
Emily Timmins | Department of Children, Seniors & Social Development
Heather Warr | Housing, Infrastructure & Communities Canada